3D flexible WxV1-xSe2 nanoplates arrays on carbon cloth as an novel efficient hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts

G. Mohan Kumar, H. D. Cho, P. Ilanchezhiyan, D. J. Lee, H. C. Jeon, Pundalik D. Walke, D. Y. Kim, T. W. Kang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


Developing a highly stable electrocatalysts for hydrogen generation is gaining considerable attention for sustainable development of energy storage and conversion. In this paper, vertically aligned tungsten (W) doped vanadium diselenide (VSe2) nanoplates array is successfully synthesized on carbon cloth (CC) to form 3-dimensional (3D) electrode for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) reaction. The optimal WxV1-xSe2 nanoplates array exhibit substantially low overpotentials of 173 mV to drive 10 mA cm−2 respectively, as compared with pristine VSe2 (280 mV) in acidic conditions. The Tafel slope values of WxV1-xSe2 nanoplates array is noted to be 80 mVdec-1 in acidic conditions. Furthermore, WxV1-xSe2 nanoplates array catalyst delivers significant cycling stability in acidic conditions. The significant catalytic performance is attributed to doping effect of W in VSe2, which actually enhances the conductivity and creates number of catalytic active sites to increase the electrocatalytic activity. The results highlight that WxV1-xSe2 nanoplates could be a promising candidate for electrocatalyst in water splitting applications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number148297
JournalApplied Surface Science
StatePublished - 28 Feb 2021


  • Electro catalyst
  • HER
  • Tungsten doping
  • VSe
  • Water splitting


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