A general overview of scientific production in China, Japan and Korea of the water-gas shift (WGS) process

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2 Scopus citations


In today's economy, one of the most important national indicators of economic growth performance is the country's ability to produce new technology-and use it responsibly and efficiently-for environmental protection or energy conservation, production and consumption in agreement with international standards. The purpose of this study is to identify the Research and Development (R&D) capability in the area of environmentally friendly technologies in China, Japan and Korea over the last twenty years. As the field is very wide, Water-Gas Shift (WGS) reaction technologies were taken as a case study for the purpose of this article. During 1990-2011 a total of 788 papers in the field of WGS technologies were published by scientists in China, Japan and Korea. China was the top producing country with 394 papers (50%) followed by Japan with 250 papers (32%), and Korea with 144 papers (18%). The growth of the literature in the field was found to be exponential in nature for China. The R&D capabilities were found to correlate directly with the Gross Domestic Expenditures on R&D (GERD), Researchers in Full-time equivalents (FTE), and other economic parameters.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)771-789
Number of pages19
JournalInformation (Switzerland)
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2012


  • China
  • Economic comparison
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Rankings
  • Scientometrics
  • Water-gas shift reaction


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