A new nanohybrid photocatalyst between anatase (TiO2) and layered titanate

Hyun Cheol Lee, Hyun Jung, Jae Min Oh, Jin Ho Choy

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11 Scopus citations


A new microporous TiO2-pillared layered titanate has been successfully prepared by hybridizing the exfoliated titanate with the anatase TiO2 nano-sol. According to the X-ray diffraction analysis and N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, the TiO2-pillared layered titanate showed a pillar height of ∼2 nm with a high surface area of ∼460 m2/g and a pore size of ∼0.95 nm, indicating that a microporous pillar structure is formed. Its photocatalytic activity was evaluated by measuring the photodegradation rate of 4-chlorophenol during irradiation of catalyst suspensions in an aqueous solution. An enhancement in activity of ca. 170% was obtained for TiO2-pillared layered titanate compared to that of the pristine compound such as layered cesium titanate.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)477-480
Number of pages4
JournalBulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
Issue number3
StatePublished - 20 Mar 2002


  • Anatase
  • Photocatalyst
  • Porous materials
  • TiO-pillared titanate


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