Adapting a checklist of materials evaluation for a self-access learning center in Japan

Atsumi Yamaguchi, Erin Okamoto, Neil Curry, Katsuyuki Konno

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Materials evaluation calls for a systematic and principled approach. In reality, however, materials evaluation in language-learning self-access centers (SACs) is significantly lacking in good models. This paper reports on a project undertaken by SAC facilitators in Japan to investigate whether/how a pre-evaluation checklist developed a decade ago at a SAC in New Zealand (c.f. Reinders & Lewis, 2006) could be adapted to their target context. A mixed methods approach was employed where data was obtained via a Likert-scale questionnaire and follow-up interviews. The survey was adapted from Reinders and Lewis and enrolled 103 Japanese university students. The interviews were conducted to eight randomly selected survey respondents. Results show that the modeled checklist can be used as a basis with modifications allowing for contextual differences. The results suggest that Japanese learners of English value visually stimulating materials and require more guided support for them to effectively use materials beyond the classroom. The article provides an adapted checklist designed for Japanese learners of English as well as suggestions for future research.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)339-355
Number of pages17
JournalSiSal Journal
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2019


  • Japanese EFL learners
  • Materials evaluation
  • Mixed method
  • Self-access center


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