Adaptive wireless-powered relaying schemes with cooperative jamming for two-hop secure communication

Kisong Lee, Jun Pyo Hong, Hyun Ho Choi, Marco Levorato

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A two-hop relay network is considered, in which an eavesdropper can overhear the relaying signal. To prevent the eavesdropper from decoding this signal, a destination transmits a jamming noise while a source transmits the data signal to the relay. At the same time, the relay can harvest energy from both the source signal and the jamming noise, and use this harvested energy to forward the received signal to the destination. In such a wireless-powered relay system with cooperative jamming, we propose two adaptive relaying schemes based on power splitting and time switching techniques. In the proposed power splitting-based relaying (PSR) and time switching-based relaying (TSR) schemes, the relay controls the power splitting ratio (ρ) and time switching ratio (α), respectively, in order to achieve a balance between signal processing and energy harvesting. We find analytically the optimal values of ρ and α in each scheme to maximize the secrecy capacity under the assumption of high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Interestingly, although the eavesdropper’s channel state information (CSI) is used in the derivation of the optimal control parameters (ρ and α), they are shown not to be affected by the eavesdropper’s CSI in a high SNR regime. This implies that the proposed schemes can be effective even for practical environments where there is no eavesdropper’s CSI. Furthermore, simulation results show that they well coincide with the exact solutions in practical environments even though the closed-form solutions are obtained with a high SNR assumption. Moreover, the comparisons of PSR and TSR in various scenarios show that the two relaying schemes have complementary performances depending on the network conditions. Specifically, PSR achieves greater secrecy capacity than TSR when the channel condition is unfavorable to the eavesdropper for wiretapping.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2793-2803
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Internet of Things Journal
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 2018


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