An effect of Gd3+ doping on core properties of ZnS thin films prepared by nebulizer spray pyrolysis (NSP) method

A. Jesu Jebathew, M. Karunakaran, K. Deva Arun Kumar, S. Valanarasu, V. Ganesh, Mohd Shkir, I. S. Yahia, H. Y. Zahran, A. Kathalingam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


Herein, the study on structural, optical and electrical properties of various concentrations (0, 1, 3, 5 wt %) of Gadolinium doped zinc sulphide (Gd: ZnS) thin films by simple nebulizer spray pyrolysis (NSP) method has been presented. X-ray diffraction patterns displayed that the prepared films are of polycrystalline hexagonal structures with (102) a preferred orientation. SEM images showed a smooth surface with nano sized spherical grains. Enhancement of surface roughness viewed from AFM images. Presence of Zn, S, and Gd elements in prepared samples were confirmed through EDAX and Elemental mapping images. E1 (LO), (LA + LO), 2TO, 2LO and 3LO mode of vibrations were explored in the Raman spectrum. Newly, the luminescent center raised at red region (725 nm) was seen in RT Photoluminescence studies. Optical spectra illustrated band gap enrichment and high transparent film (average of 86%) both in Vis-IR region. Activation energy measured from four-point probe method also discussed here.

Original languageEnglish
Article number411674
JournalPhysica B: Condensed Matter
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2019


  • Activation energy
  • Band gap
  • EDAX
  • Nebulizer spray pyrolysis
  • Rare earth element
  • Thin film


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