Annealing-Free Thioantimonate Argyrodites with High Li-Ion Conductivity and Low Elastic Modulus

Wo Dum Jung, Ji Su Kim, Young Jung Kim, Hyeseong Jeong, Daseul Han, Kyung Wan Nam, Docheon Ahn, Deok Hwang Kwon, Hun Gi Jung, Jong Ho Lee, Hyoungchul Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Although Li-ion superconducting sulfides have been developed as solid electrolytes (SEs) in all-solid-state batteries, their high deformability, which is inherently beneficial for room-temperature compaction, is overlooked and sacrificed. To solve this dilemmatic task, herein, highly deformable Li-ion superconductors are reported using an annealing-free process. The target thioantimonate, Li5.2Si0.2Sb0.8S4Br0.25I1.75, comprising bimetallic tetrahedra and bi-halogen anions is synthesized by two-step milling tuned for in situ crystallization, and exhibits excellent Li-ion conductivity (σion) of 13.23 mS cm−1 (averaged) and a low elastic modulus (E) of 12.51 GPa (averaged). It has a cubic argyrodite phase of ≈57.39% crystallinity with a halogen occupancy of ≈90.67% at the 4c Wyckoff site. These increased halogen occupancy drives the Li-ion redistribution and the formation of more Li vacancies, thus facilitating Li-ion transport through inter-cage pathway. Also, the facile annealing-free process provides a unique glass-ceramic structure advantageous for high deformability. These results represent a record-breaking milestone from the combined viewpoint of σion and E among promising SEs. Electrochemical characterization, including galvanostatic cycling tests for 400 h, reveals that this material displays reasonable electrochemical stability and cell performance (150.82 mAh g−1 at 0.1C). These achievements shed light on the synthesis of practical SEs suffice both σion and E requirements.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2211185
JournalAdvanced Functional Materials
Issue number11
StatePublished - 9 Mar 2023


  • all-solid-state batteries
  • annealing-free processes
  • argyrodites
  • deformable properties
  • solid electrolytes


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