Asymmetric transmission game for interference coordination in wireless ad-hoc relay networks

Woong Hee Lee, Jeongsik Choi, Won Tae Yu, Jong Ho Lee, Seong Cheol Kim

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In this paper, we introduce the new concept of temporal diversity utilization based on asymmetric transmission to minimize network interference in wireless ad-hoc networks with a two-hop half-duplex relaying (HDR) protocol. Asymmetric transmission is an interference-aware backoff technique, in which each communication session (source-relay-destination link) adaptively choosesacertain subset of spectrally-orthogonal data streaming which should be delayed by the duration of one time-slot (i.e., half of one subframe). We design the problem in the HDR scenario by applying the concept of asymmetric transmission, and evaluate the game-theoretical algorithm, called asymmetric transmission game (ATG), to derive the suboptimal solution. We show that ATG is an exact potential game, and derive its convergence and optimality properties. Furthermore, we develop an approximated version of ATG (termed A-ATG) in order to reduce signaling and computational complexity. Numerical results verify that two algorithms proposed show significant synergistic effects when collaborating with the conventional methods in terms of interference coordination. Ultimately, the energy consumption to satisfy the rate requirement is reduced by up to 17.4% compared to the conventional schemes alone.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)826-836
Number of pages11
JournalIEICE Transactions on Communications
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2017


  • Game theory
  • Interference coordination
  • Two-hop relaying protocol


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