Babinet-inverted optical Yagi-Uda antenna for unidirectional radiation to free space

Jineun Kim, Young Geun Roh, Sangmo Cheon, Jong Ho Choe, Jongcheon Lee, Jaesoong Lee, Heejeong Jeong, Un Jeong Kim, Yeonsang Park, In Yong Song, Q. Han Park, Sung Woo Hwang, Kinam Kim, Chang Won Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

33 Scopus citations


Nanophotonics capable of directing radiation or enhancing quantum-emitter transition rates rely on plasmonic nanoantennas. We present here a novel Babinet-inverted magnetic-dipole-fed multislot optical Yagi-Uda antenna that exhibits highly unidirectional radiation to free space, achieved by engineering the relative phase of the interacting surface plasmon polaritons between the slot elements. The unique features of this nanoantenna can be harnessed for realizing energy transfer from one waveguide to another by working as a future "optical via".

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3072-3078
Number of pages7
JournalNano Letters
Issue number6
StatePublished - 11 Jun 2014


  • directional radiation
  • Plasmonic antenna
  • slot-slot interaction
  • surface plasmon
  • Yagi-Uda


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