Bidirectional Soft Switching Push-Pull Resonant Converter over Wide Range of Battery Voltages

Jong Won Lim, Jamil Hassan, Minsung Kim

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34 Scopus citations


This article presents a bidirectional soft-switching push-pull resonant converter that is highly efficient over a wide range of battery voltages. It is derived by integrating a current-fed push-pull circuit and an active voltage doubler circuit with a bidirectional switch. The converter operates as a pulsewidth modulation (PWM) current-fed push-pull resonant-boost converter in the forward direction, but as a PWM half-bridge resonant converter in the backward direction. The most attractive feature of the proposed converter is that, by employing the bidirectional switch and corresponding switching modulation, it can achieve almost ZVS at turn-off instants under wide variations of battery voltages. Therefore, the proposed converter achieves high efficiency even during high-frequency operation. Moreover, no instantaneous reactive current flows through the circuit under wide variations of battery voltages and loads. Furthermore, the proposed bidirectional resonant converter has a high conversion ratio in both power flow directions without using a transformer that has high turns-ratio. The operating principles and characteristics of the proposed bidirectional resonant converter are presented in detail. Experimental results using a 1-kW prototype verified the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed converter.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9426451
Pages (from-to)12251-12267
Number of pages17
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2021


  • Bidirectional switch
  • PWM full-bridge resonant-boost converter
  • PWM half-bridge resonant-buck converter
  • high efficiency
  • minimized switching loss


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