Case report: What gives the myopic tilted disc an oval appearance?

Kyoung Min Lee, Martha Kim, Seok Hwan Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Background: Myopic tilted disc, observed as an oval disc, has been alleged to be a funduscopic en-face manifestation of excessive optic nerve head (ONH) sloping or tilting. Here, we report the case of a myopic child showing a developing oval disc in fundus photos during axial elongation, but without progressive tilting in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) images. Case presentation: By merging B-scan SD-OCT images of the ONH and macula, the curvature of the posterior pole, including both the fovea and ONH, was reconstructed and compared before and after 2 years of axial elongation. Despite the marked increase of disc ovality, the posterior polar curvature was rarely changed. The preponderance of optic disc change was induced by the shift of the temporal disc margin in the nasal direction. This shifting alone imitated an increase of tilt angle but one that was still far smaller than the required degree of tilt for ONH-tilt-based disc ovality. To clarify, we calculated the required extent of axial elongation to obtain a substantial degree of ONH tilt when considering the adjacency of the fovea and the ONH. Without a focal increase of posterior polar curvature, which is to say posterior staphyloma, such change is not possible until the axial length increases extraordinarily. Conclusion: The most prominent change in the development of myopic tilted disc, which change gives it an oval appearance and imitates a tilt when measured, is actually not a tilt but rather a shift of the temporal disc margin.

Original languageEnglish
Article number20
JournalBMC Ophthalmology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 9 Jan 2020


  • Boramae myopia cohort study
  • Myopic tilted disc
  • Ovality
  • Tilt


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