Change of neuronal activations induced by the passive perception of driving speed difference

Hyun Jun Kim, Jeong Han Yi, Hyung Sik Kim, Soon Cheol Chung, Ji Hye Baek, Jung Chul Lee, Sung Jun Park, Ul Ho Jeong, Seon Young Gim, Sung Phil Kim, Dae Woon Lim, Mi Hyun Choi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The change of neuronal activation due to the passive perception of various driving speeds in comparison to a reference driving speed was assessed using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Videos recorded in real driving conditions on the road at driving speeds of 50, 70, 90, and 110 km/h were shown as visual stimuli. An experiment consisted of three blocks, each having a control phase (50km/h) and a stimulation phase (70, 90, or 110 km/h). In the passive perception of various driving speed differences, the areas related to visual cognition and spatial attention such as temporal, occipital, parietal, frontal areas, and cerebellum were activated. As the driving speed difference increased, the number of activated voxels also increased in the areas related to visual cognition. However, the visual cognition related areas showed a different pattern from the spatial attention related area with an increase of the driving speed difference. This implies that each brain area has a different level of involvement in the passive perception of the driving speed difference, although both visual cognitions related areas and spatial attention related area are related to it.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S833-S840
JournalBio-Medical Materials and Engineering
StatePublished - 2015


  • Driving speed difference
  • passive perception
  • spatial attention (vigilance)
  • visual cognition


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