Characterization of lactic bacterial strains isolated from raw milk

Hyun Jue Kim, Han Seung Shin, Woel Kyu Ha, Hee Jin Yang, Soo Won Lee

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15 Scopus citations


During lactic acid bacteria (LAB) transit through the gastrointestinal tract, ingested microorganisms were exposed to successive stress factors, including low pH in the human stomach and in bile acid. These stress factors can be used as criteria for the selection of a viable probiotic strain. Four such strains (Lactobacillus helveticus SGU 0011, Lactobacillus pentosus SGU 0010, Streptococcus thermophilus SGU 0021 and Lactobacillus casei SGU 0020) were isolated from raw milk. When the identified LAB were exposed to synthetic gastric juice, whereas L. casei SGU 0020 and S. thermophilus SGU 0021 exhibited a 0% survival rate, L. helveticus SGU 0011 and L. pentosus SGU 0010 exhibited 60% and 95% survival rates. L. casei SGU 0020 and S. thermophilus SGU 0021 could not be examined with regard to their tolerances to artificial bile juice, as they uniformly died upon exposure. However, L. helveticus SGU 0011 and L. pentosus SGU 0010 individually survived at rates of 39% and 93%. Also, all four of these strains were confirmed to be tolerant often different antibiotics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)131-136
Number of pages6
JournalAsian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2006


  • Antibiotic
  • Artificial Gastric Juice
  • Lactobacillus
  • Probiotics
  • rDNA


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