Comparative study on the cellular responses to DNA-damaging agent between drosophila cell lines and colon carcinoma cell lines

Young Rok Seo, Jae Chun Ryu, In Soo Bae, Sung Sik Han

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The cellular responses against DNA damage were studied in Drosophila Kc cell lines with comparison to those of RKO colon carcinoma cell lines from Human using MMS and hydrogen peroxide as DNA-damaging agent. The cytotoxicologicM effect of DNA damage was measured by MTT assay, and the repair, typical cellular response to DNA damage, was investigated in these cell lines. To evaluate their repair activity, single cell get electrophoresis (Comet assay) was performed, which is widely used technique to estimate the DNA strand breakage of whole cells. Comet assay showed that both Kc and RKO cells clearly showed repair activity. Moreover the putative like-molecules of p53, which is well known as a tumor suppresser in mammal cells, were detected in Drosophila Kc cells by immunofluorescence microscopy after treatment of MMS. The results were similar to the reports of RKO cell lines from colon cancer, suggesting that the pathway in response to DNA damage is mostly conserved in evolution of eukaryote.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)A1371
JournalFASEB Journal
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1997


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