Convolutional neural network-based classification of driver’s emotion during aggressive and smooth driving using multi-modal camera sensors

Kwan Woo Lee, Hyo Sik Yoon, Jong Min Song, Kang Ryoung Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

59 Scopus citations


Because aggressive driving often causes large-scale loss of life and property, techniques for advance detection of adverse driver emotional states have become important for the prevention of aggressive driving behaviors. Previous studies have primarily focused on systems for detecting aggressive driver emotion via smart-phone accelerometers and gyro-sensors, or they focused on methods of detecting physiological signals using electroencephalography (EEG) or electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors. Because EEG and ECG sensors cause discomfort to drivers and can be detached from the driver’s body, it becomes difficult to focus on bio-signals to determine their emotional state. Gyro-sensors and accelerometers depend on the performance of GPS receivers and cannot be used in areas where GPS signals are blocked. Moreover, if driving on a mountain road with many quick turns, a driver’s emotional state can easily be misrecognized as that of an aggressive driver. To resolve these problems, we propose a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based method of detecting emotion to identify aggressive driving using input images of the driver’s face, obtained using near-infrared (NIR) light and thermal camera sensors. In this research, we conducted an experiment using our own database, which provides a high classification accuracy for detecting driver emotion leading to either aggressive or smooth (i.e., relaxed) driving. Our proposed method demonstrates better performance than existing methods.

Original languageEnglish
Article number957
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2018


  • Aggressive driving emotion
  • Convolutional neural network
  • Near-infrared light camera sensor
  • Thermal camera sensor


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