Cycle-accurate energy consumption measurement and analysis: Case study of ARM7TDMI

Naehyuck Chang, Kwanho Kim, Hyung Gyu Lee

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

24 Scopus citations


We introduce an energy consumption analysis of complex digital systems through a case study of ARM7TDMI RISC processor by using a new energy measurement technique. We developed a cycle-accurate energy consumption measurement system based on charge transfer which is robust to spiky noise and is capable of collecting a range of power consumption profiles in real time. The relative energy variation of the RISC core is measured by changing the opcode, the instruction fetch address, the register number, the register value, the data fetch address, and the immediate operand value in each pipeline stage, respectively. We demonstrated energy characterization of a pipelined RISC processor for high-level power reduction.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages86
StatePublished - 2000
EventInternational Symposium on low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED'2000) - Portacino Coast, Italy
Duration: 26 Jul 200027 Jul 2000


ConferenceInternational Symposium on low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED'2000)
CityPortacino Coast, Italy


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