Damage detection and vibration control in smart plates: Towards multifunctional smart structures

L. R. Ray, B. H. Koh, L. Tian

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47 Scopus citations


This paper demonstrates the concept of sensitivity enhancing control (SEC) to aid in damage detection in smart structures through both experimental and simulation evaluation. Methods of implementing state estimate feedback using point measurements of strain along the structure are described, and an initial proof-of-concept laboratory experiment demonstrating enhancement of modal frequency shifts due to tip mass damage in a cantilevered beam is reported. Simulation results focus on applying state feedback control to finite-element models of a cantilevered structure with slot, through-surface crack, or surface crack damage. The simulation analysis ascertains the ability to enhance sensitivity of modal frequency shifts due to realistic damage cases that are difficult to evaluate experimentally. The simulation also ascertains the potential for using the same sensors and actuators for implementing both sensitivity enhancing control laws and vibration damping control laws that are insensitive to damage. In the control model with which SEC laws are designed, damage consists of simple reductions in thickness over a small area of the structure. Finite-element models to which control laws are applied are developed using commercial software (ABAQUS™) that more accurately models stiffness damage by releasing element connections or by using line spring elements to model fatigue cracks. Experimental results show that enhancement in sensitivity of modal frequencies to damage can be achieved using a single piezoceramic actuator and multiple piezoelectric strain sensors along the beam. Simulation results indicate that feedback control laws can be designed for either sensitivity enhancement or vibration suppression using identical hardware, providing for multifunctional smart structures. In addition, analysis demonstrates that commercial finite-element software is useful for model-based simulation of damaged controlled structures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)725-739
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2001


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