Decolorization and biodegradation of reactive dyes and dye wastewater by a developed bacterial consortium

R. G. Saratale, G. D. Saratale, J. S. Chang, S. P. Govindwar

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177 Scopus citations


A bacterial consortium (consortium GR) consisting of Proteus vulgaris NCIM-2027 and Micrococcus glutamicus NCIM-2168 could rapidly decolorize and degrade commonly-used sulfonated reactive dye Green HE4BD and many other reactive dyes. Consortium GR shows markedly higher decolorization activity than that of the individual strains. The preferable physicochemical parameters were identified to achieve higher dye degradation and decolorization efficiency. The supplementation of cheap co-substrates (e. g., extracts of agricultural wastes) could enhance the decolorization performance of consortium GR. Extent of mineralization was determined with TOC and COD measurements, showing nearly complete mineralization of Green HE4BD by consortium GR (up to 90% TOC and COD reduction) within 24 h. Oxidoreductive enzymes seemed to be involved in fast decolorization/degradation process with the evidence of enzymes induction in the bacterial consortium. Phytotoxicity and microbial toxicity studies confirm that the biodegraded products of Green HE4BD by consortium GR are non-toxic. Consortium GR also shows significant biodegradation and decolorization activities for mixture of reactive dyes as well as the effluent from actual dye manufacturing industry. This confers the possibility of applying consortium GR for the treatment of industrial wastewaters containing dye pollutants.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)999-1015
Number of pages17
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 2010


  • Biodegradation
  • Decolorization
  • Dye wastewater
  • Green HE4BD
  • Microbial consortium
  • Phytotoxicity assay
  • Sulfonated reactive dye


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