Defect-mediated modulation of optical properties in vertically aligned ZnO nanowires via substrate-assisted Ga incorporation

Jong Bae Park, Young Tea Chun, Young Boo Lee, Jung Inn Sohn, Woong Ki Hong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


We report the defect-mediated modulation of optical properties in vertically aligned ZnO nanowires via a substrate-assisted Ga incorporation method. We find that Ga atoms were incorporated into a ZnO lattice via the diffusion of liquid Ga droplets from a GaAs substrate in which as-grown ZnO nanowires were placed face down on the GaAs substrate and annealed at 650°C. Based on structural and compositional characterization, it was confirmed that the substrate-assisted incorporation of Ga can induce a high defect density in vertically aligned ZnO nanowires grown on a Si substrate. In addition, distinct differences in optical properties between as-grown and Ga-incorporated ZnO nanowires were found and discussed in terms of defect-mediated modifications of energy band states, which were associated with the generation and recombination of photoexcited carriers. Furthermore, it was clearly observed that for Ga-incorporated ZnO nanowires, the photocurrent rise and decay processes were slower and the photocurrents under UV illumination were significantly higher compared with as-grown nanowires.

Original languageEnglish
Article number145202
Issue number14
StatePublished - 10 Apr 2015


  • defect modulation
  • optical properties
  • ZnO nanowire


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