Design and implementation of the smart virtual machine on iOS platform for the mobile game portability

Yunsik Son, Jae Hyun Kim, Yang Sun Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Development of computing environments and mobile devices lead to rapid growth of smart device, mobile OS and application market. Especially, the mobile platform sector with major runners of Apple and Google, compose the core technology for mobile applications. iOS and Android represent mobile platforms each supporting individual execution environment, development tools and development methodology. Applications and contents developed in each platform inevitably have exclusive properties in the other platforms. Therefore, generally it is not possible to execute a mobile application on a different platform. In order to provide service to multiple platforms by portability, additional costs and development period is required. Particularly, the lifespan and development duration of mobile applications are becoming shorter at this point in time. Therefore, fast development and deployment is required and has been standing out as a weakness. Smart Cross Platform is a virtual machine based solution developed to resolve this weakness. In this paper, Smart Cross Platform's content execution component, Smart Virtual Machine based on an independent neutral language was designed and implemented to be run in iOS. In the Smart Virtual Machine, the programmer can make a program not being restricted to the development language of a particular platform environment, making it is easier to port previous contents or provide service of a single program to multiple platforms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23-32
Number of pages10
JournalInternational Journal of Smart Home
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2014


  • Contents reusability
  • Intermediated code
  • Smart device
  • Virtual machine


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