Development of a service evolution map for service design through application of text mining to service documents

Bomi Song, Byungun Yoon, Changyong Lee, Yongtae Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


As digital convergence has proliferated and products have become smarter, various service concepts have emerged based on the capabilities of products. It has become a main concern to illuminate historical changes and status of service concepts according to the utilisation of product elements to provide valuable information for service development. However, a lacuna still remains in the literature regarding a systematic and quantitative approach on this problem. This study proposes a service evolution map as a tool for analysing the evolutionary paths of service concepts based on the utilisation of product elements. The proposed service evolution map consists of two layers with the time dimension: a product element layer for the utilisation of product elements and a service concept layer for the evolutionary paths of service concepts. Based on the service documents describing what the services are, text mining, co-word analysis, and modified formal concept analysis are employed to develop the product element and service concept layers, respectively. A case study of mobile application services is presented to illustrate the proposed approach. This study is expected to be a basis of future research on the interaction between products and services and service concept design based on the creative utilisation of product elements.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)251-273
Number of pages23
JournalResearch in Engineering Design - Theory, Applications, and Concurrent Engineering
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2017


  • Co-word analysis
  • Formal concept analysis
  • Service documents
  • Service evolution map
  • Text mining


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