Diameter and density controlled growth of yttrium functionalized zinc oxide (YZO) nanorod arrays by hydrothermal

Sanjeev K. Sharma, Narinder Kaur, Byungho Lee, Changmin Kim, Sejoon Lee, Deuk Young Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


Well-aligned Y-doped ZnO (YZO) nanorod arrays were synthesized on YZO-seeded quartz glass substrates by hydrothermal method. The diameter and the density of the YZO nanorods were effectively controlled by modifying the grain morphology of the seed layer. The microstructures of the seed grains were manipulated by vacuum annealing (300-800°C), and the texture of the seed grains significantly affected the physical properties of the YZO nanorods. From analyses of microstructural and optical properties of the YZO nanorods, the size and the density of the YZO nanorods were observed to strongly depend on those of the seed grains that could be controlled by annealing temperatures. The simple and scalable method proposed here could be beneficial for the controllable growth of vertically-aligned YZO nanorod arrays and their nano-device fabrications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S82-S88
JournalCurrent Applied Physics
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2015


  • Controlled diameter/density of nanorods
  • PL and XPS
  • Sol-gel synthesis
  • Vacuum annealing of seed layers
  • YZO nanorods


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