Differences in activation area within brodmann area 2 caused by pressure stimuli on fingers and joints: In case of male subjects

Mi Hyun Choi, Hyung Sik Kim, Ji Hye Baek, Jung Chul Lee, Sung Jun Park, Ul Ho Jeong, Seon Young Gim, Sung Phil Kim, Dae Woon Lim, Soon Cheol Chung

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6 Scopus citations


In this study, a constant pressure stimulus was applied on the 3 joints (first [p1], second [p2], and third [p3] joints) of 4 fingers (index, middle, ring, and little fingers), and the activation areas within Brodmann area 2 (BA 2) were compared for these different fingers and joints by using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Eight healthy male college students (25.4±1.32 years) participated in the study. Each session was composed of 3 blocks, and each block was composed of a Control phase (30 seconds) and a Pressure phase (30 seconds). No pressure stimulus was applied in the Control phase, during which the subjects would simply lay comfortably with their eyes closed. In the Pressure phase, a pressure stimulus was applied onto one of the joints of the selected finger. For each finger and joint, BA 2 areas activated by the pressure stimulus were extracted by the region of interest method. There was a significant difference in the activation areas for the different fingers (P = .042) as well as for the different joints (P = .050). The activation area decreased in the order of the little, index, and middle fingers, as well as in the order of p1, p3, and p2.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere1657
JournalMedicine (United States)
Issue number38
StatePublished - 25 Sep 2015


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