Discrete-time voltage controller for voltage source converters with LC filter based on state-space models

Hyeon Sik Kim, Hyun Sam Jung, Seung Ki Sul

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45 Scopus citations


State-space control could provide both high dynamic performance and sufficient stability margin to voltage source converters with LC filter. However, an inherent digital delay induced by a digital control system deteriorates performance and even induces instability. In this paper, a discrete-time voltage controller is proposed based on a discrete state-space model. First, a state feedback control with a reference feedforward path is designed in the discrete-time domain with consideration for the digital delay. Second, an output current decoupling path is augmented to minimize the effects of an output current disturbance. Controller gains are derived as the functions of system parameters and design specifications, which is based on a direct pole placement and pole-zero cancellation method in a rotating reference frame. Moreover, a parameter sensitivity and digital implementation are discussed to improve the performance and stability of the proposed controller. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is verified with various experimental results. It shows that a filter resonance is well damped out while maintaining wide voltage control bandwidth.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8454300
Pages (from-to)529-540
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2019


  • Digital delay
  • discrete-time
  • LC filter
  • state-space model
  • voltage control


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