Downsampled Iterative Learning Controller for Flyback CCM Inverter

Hyosin Kim, Jin S. Lee, Minsung Kim

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23 Scopus citations


We propose a downsampled iterative learning controller (ILC) for a flyback inverter operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM). The flyback CCM inverter features step-up/-down ability, small number of circuit components, and high conversion efficiency, so it is well suited to the distributed renewable energy systems. But the conventional proportional-integral (PI) controller for the flyback CCM inverter shows poor steady-state response because the inverter itself suffers from time-varying grid-voltage disturbances and its transfer function has a right-half plane zero. The ILC itself achieves acceptable steady-state response of the flyback CCM inverter but can excite large overshoot in the iteration domain; this overshoot may destroy the solid state devices in the power circuit. To overcome this problem, we use a downsampled ILC technique that guarantees monotonic convergence of tracking error. The proposed ILC is computationally simple and easy to implement. Numerical simulations and experimental tests validate the proposed control approach.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7968493
Pages (from-to)510-520
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2018


  • Continuous conduction mode (CCM)
  • downsampling
  • iterative learning control (ILC)
  • monotonic convergence
  • single-stage inverter


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