Ecofriendly degradation of sulfonated diazo dye C.I. Reactive Green 19A using Micrococcus glutamicus NCIM-2168

R. G. Saratale, G. D. Saratale, J. S. Chang, S. P. Govindwar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

170 Scopus citations


Micrococcus glutamicus NCIM-2168 exhibited complete decolorization and degradation of C.I. Reactive Green 19A (an initial concentration of 50 mg l-1) within 42 h at temperature 37 °C and pH 8, under static condition. Extent of mineralization was determined with total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) measurement, showing a satisfactory reduction of TOC (72%) and COD (66%) within 42 h. Enzyme studies shows involvement of oxidoreductive enzymes in decolorization/degradation process. Analytical studies of the extracted metabolites confirmed the significant degradation of Reactive Green 19A into various metabolites. The microbial toxicity and phytotoxicity assay revealed that the degradation of Reactive Green 19A produced nontoxic metabolites. In addition, the M. glutamicus strain was applied to decolorize a mixture of ten reactive dyes showing a 63% decolorization (in terms of decrease in ADMI value) within 72 h, along with 48% and 42% reduction in TOC and COD under static condition.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3897-3905
Number of pages9
JournalBioresource Technology
Issue number17
StatePublished - Sep 2009


  • Azoreductase
  • C.I. Reactive Green 19A
  • Microbial decolorization
  • Micrococcus glutamicus
  • TOC


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