Effect of Anion Composition on the Bias Stress Stability in Zn-O-N Thin-Film Transistors

Jun Tae Jang, Hyoung Do Kim, Dong Myong Kim, Sung Jin Choi, Hyun Suk Kim, Dae Hwan Kim

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1 Scopus citations


In this letter, the effects of negative and positive bias stability with respect to the anion composition of Zn-O-N thin-film transistors were researched. In the positive bias stress tests, the threshold voltage shift was high for ZnON devices with high nitrogen composition. In contrast to this, the negative bias stress test results have smaller Δ Vth values when nitrogen composition in ZnON was low. This different degradation behavior of ZnON for thin-film transistors was analyzed by using the subgap density of states which were obtained from monochromatic photonic capacitance-voltage measurement.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9151205
Pages (from-to)1376-1379
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Electron Device Letters
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2020


  • anion composition
  • negative bias stress (NBS)
  • positive bias stress (PBS)
  • subgap density of states (DOS)
  • Zinc Oxynitride (ZnON)


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