Effect of Four Groups of GO-CF/EP Composites with Ideal Infiltration Structure and Different Layering Ways on Damping Properties

Feichao Cai, Soo Ho Jo, Yuqin Ma, Haiyin Guo, Yi Xu, Wei Xu, Fei Li

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


In this paper, four groups of graphene oxide and carbon fiber hybrid-reinforced resin matrix (GO-CF/EP) composites with different layering ways were prepared by a vacuum infiltration hot pressing system (VIHPS). The damping properties of the specimens with different layering ways were tested by the force hammer method, and the micromorphology of the specimens was photographed by scanning electron microscope. The experimental results showed that the damping properties of GO-CF/EP composites gradually increased with the increase in the number of Y-direction layers. The [XYXYXY]6 has the best damping property, with a damping ratio of 1.187%. The damping ratio is 5.3 times higher than that of [XXXXXX]6 layer mode, and the first-order natural frequency is 77.7 Hz. This is mainly because the stiffness of the X-direction layer is larger than that of the Y-direction layer, and its resistance to deformation is considerable. Therefore, its decay rate is slower. The Y-direction layer has weak resistance to deformation and fast energy attenuation. The increase in the number of Y-direction layers will lead to the overall increase in, and the improvement of, the damping properties of GO-CF/EP composites.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2358
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2022


  • damping ratio
  • force hammer method
  • GO-CF/EP composites
  • layer way
  • resonance frequency


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