Electric vehicles and smart grid interaction: A review on vehicle to grid and renewable energy sources integration

Francis Mwasilu, Jackson John Justo, Eun Kyung Kim, Ton Duc Do, Jin Woo Jung

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

872 Scopus citations


This paper presents a comprehensive review and assessment of the latest research and advancement of electric vehicles (EVs) interaction with smart grid portraying the future electric power system model. The concept goal of the smart grid along with the future deployment of the EVs puts forward various challenges in terms of electric grid infrastructure, communication and control. Following an intensive review on advanced smart metering and communication infrastructures, the strategy for integrating the EVs into the electric grid is presented. Various EV smart charging technologies are also extensively examined with the perspective of their potential, impacts and limitations under the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) phenomenon. Moreover, the high penetration of renewable energy sources (wind and photovoltaic solar) is soaring up into the power system. However, their intermittent power output poses different challenges on the planning, operation and control of the power system networks. On the other hand, the deployment of EVs in the energy market can compensate for the fluctuations of the electric grid. In this context, a literature review on the integration of the renewable energy and the latest feasible solution using EVs with the insight of the promising research gap to be covered up are investigated. Furthermore, the feasibility of the smart V2G system is thoroughly discussed. In this paper, the EVs interactions with the smart grid as the future energy system model are extensively discussed and research gap is revealed for the possible solutions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)501-516
Number of pages16
JournalRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
StatePublished - Jun 2014


  • Advanced metering infrastructure
  • Electric vehicle (EV)
  • Renewable energy sources
  • Smart charging
  • Smart grid
  • Vehicle to grid (V2G)


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