Electrochemical study of CoV2O6 prepared by hydrothermal approach at different molar concentration of vanadium source

M. A. Yewale, A. V.S.L. Sai Bharadwaj, R. A. Kadam, Nitin T. Shelke, A. M. Teli, S. A. Beknalkar, V. Kumar, Mir Waqas Alam, D. K. Shin

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5 Scopus citations


As bimetallic oxide has been focused on for energy storage applications due to the enhancement of energy storage capacity resulting from the synergistic effect of both metals in the bimetal oxide, the study demonstrates the hydrothermal synthesis strategy for synthesis CoV2O6 nanoparticles, employing varying molar concentrations of the vanadium source using ammonium fluoride. The surface microstructure of the nanoparticles has been dramatically tuned by the molarity variation. The effects of the surface modification were observed on the electrochemical performance of the electrode material. The electrochemical performance of CoV2O6 nanoparticles produced at a vanadium source molar concentration of 60 mM is beneficial, with the areal capacitance of 271 mF/cm2 at a current density of 1 mA/cm2, power density of 30 μW/cm2, and energy density of 13.5 μWh/cm2. The charge resistance is 2.79 Ω based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. The transfer coefficient and standard rate constant imply that the charge storage mechanism is based on a redox reaction that is quasi-reversible. The cobalt vanadium oxide results show that the electrode generated at a concentration of ammonium vanadate of 60 mM is an effective electrode for supercapacitor applications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number117464
JournalMaterials Science and Engineering: B
StatePublished - Sep 2024


  • CoVO nanoparticles
  • Energy storage


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