Enhancement of ballistic transport in an AlGaAsInGaAs high electron mobility transistor at low temperatures

Nambin Kim, Yongmin Kim, Soohyun Kang, Kyooho Jung, Woong Jung, Hyunsik Im, Hyungsang Kim, J. K. Rhee, Donghoon Shin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


The authors investigated the current-voltage characteristics of a 100 nm AlGaAsInGaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor as a function of temperature. The drain current in the linear region showed a dramatic increase when the temperature was lowered below a critical value (TB) and the drain voltage is increased. A quantitative analysis based on self-consistent Schrödinger-Poisson and simple electrostatic band potential profile calculations was performed to model the transmission coefficient. The modeled results are consistent with the measured data, confirming that the main transport mechanism switches from a classical drift-diffusion transport into a quasiballistic transport when decreasing temperature below TB and increasing drain voltage.

Original languageEnglish
Article number142102
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number14
StatePublished - 2007


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