Erratum: Corrigendum] Hwang-Heuk-San induces apoptosis in HCT116 human colorectal cancer cells through the ROS-mediated activation of caspases and the inactivation of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway (Oncology reports (2016) 36 1 (205-214) PII: 90)

Moon Hee Lee, Su Hyun Hong, Cheol Park, Gi Young Kim, Sun Hee Leem, Sung Hyun Choi, Young Sam Keum, Jin Won Hyun, Taeg Kyu Kwon, Sang Hoon Hong, Yung Hyun Choi

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


Subsequently to the publication of the above article, an interested reader drew to the authors' attention that certain of the data panels featured in Figs. 1B, 4A, 6A and 8A, showing DAPI or NAC staining of the cells, appeared to contain overlapping data. The authors have consulted their original data, and realize that errors were made during the compilation of these figures; consequently, they have repeated the affected experiments. The revised versions of Figs. 1, 4, 6 and 8, featuring replacement data for Figs. 1B, 4A, 6A and 8A, are shown on the subsequent pages. The authors regret the errors that were made during the preparation of the published figures, and confirm that these errors did not affect the conclusions reported in the study. The authors are grateful to the Editor of Oncology Reports for allowing them the opportunity to publish a Corrigendum, and all the authors agree to this Corrigendum. Furthermore, they apologize to the readership for any inconvenience caused. [the original article was published in Oncology Reports 36: 205‑214, 2016; DOI: 10.3892/or.2016.4812].

Original languageEnglish
JournalOncology Reports
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 May 2022


  • Hwang-Heuk-San
  • PI3K/Akt
  • ROS
  • apoptosis
  • colorectal cancer cells


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