Ethylene scavenging ability of permanganate incorporated nanoclays

Gyeong Hyeon Gwak, Hyoung Jun Kim, Sung Woo Lee, Young Chang Kwon, Yang Su Han, Jae Min Oh

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4 Scopus citations


Ethylene scavengers were developed utilizing pore-fabricated nanoclays, such as illite (IL) and scoria (SC), incorporated with permanganate. To modify the pore structure and to enhance specific surface area, nanoclays were subjected to 6 M hydrochloric acid treatment for 6 h at 60°C. X-ray diffraction patterns revealed that acid treated nanoclays (IL-AT and SC-AT) maintained their original crystal structure, while N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm showed increased specific surface area and pore volume. The surface charge values of acid treated nanoclays shifted in the negative direction due to leaching of multivalent cations, which was confirmed by X-ray fluorescence elemental quantitative analysis. Permanganate, which is known to remove ethylene through oxidative decomposition, was incorporated into the nanopores of acid treated nanoclays by soaking them in potassium permanganate solution, showing 1.00 and 0.61 wt/wt% loading for IL-AT and SC-AT, respectively. The ethylene gas removal efficacies of permanganate-incorporated nanoclays were examined in 50 ppm ethylene condition. Permanganate loaded IL showed time-dependent ethylene removal with a maximum efficiency of approximately 95% at 24 h, while SC exhibited approximately 30% removal efficiency.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3576-3580
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2017


  • Acid treatment
  • Ethylene scavenger
  • Nanoclays
  • Permanganate
  • Pore fabrication


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