Evaluation of chloroplast genotypes of Korean cucumber cultivars (cucumis sativus l.) using sdCAPS markers related to chilling tolerance

Asjad Ali, Eun Mi Yang, Sun Young Lee, Sang Min Chung

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


DNA markers can determine the genotype of many species. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection is difficult without sequencing but it becomes easier with sdCAPS method. Here an experiment was performed for developing molecular markers using two SNPs, CSatpB-SNP and CSycf1-SNP, of chloroplast in cucumber plants. Properly designed primers with nucleotide sequences for restriction enzymes proved success of PCR and efficacy of digestion by the restriction enzymes. Then these markers were used to study the genotyping of cucumber breeding lines and cultivars obtained from various sources in respect of their chilling stress response. We confirmed that a U.S. cucumber line, 'NC76' known to possess a nuclear factor for the chilling tolerance showed the chloroplast genotypes related to chilling tolerance. However all Korean cucumber cultivars tested in this study showed the chloroplast genotypes related to chilling susceptibility. In conclusion, to develop chilling tolerant cucumber, both maternal and a nuclear factors related to chilling tolerance should be transferred from 'NC76' when 'NC76' is used as a female source and other elite lines as recurrent parents.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)219-223
Number of pages5
JournalHorticultural Science and Technology
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2013


  • Chilling injury
  • Molecular markers
  • SNP
  • dCAPS


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