Evolution of morphological and optical properties of self-Assembled Ag nanostructures on c-plane sapphire (0001) by the precise control of deposition amount

Sundar Kunwar, Ming Yu Li, Puran Pandey, Mao Sui, Quanzhen Zhang, Jihoon Lee

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7 Scopus citations


Silver (Ag) nanoparticles (NPs) have been widely adapted in various optoelectronic and sensing applications due to the size, shape and density dependent tunable properties. In this work, the systematic control of the size, configuration and density of self-Assembled Ag nanostructures on cplane sapphire (0001) is demonstrated through the solid state dewetting process by the variation of deposition amount (DA) at two distinctive temperature of 400 °Cand 650 °C. The corresponding morphological evolution of Ag nanostructures is systematically discussed based on the diffusion, Volmer-Weber and coalescence growth model. In specific, at the relatively lower temperature of 400 °C, the Ag nanostructures evolve in three distinctive regimes based on theDAcontrol: i.e. the dome-shaped Ag NPs between 2 and 14 nm(regime I), the irregular nano-mounds (NMs) between 20 and 40 nm(regime II), and the coalescence of AgNMsinto a layer between 60 and 200 nm(regime III). Meanwhile, at the relatively higher temperature of 650 °C, due to growth regime shift induced by the enhanced surface diffusion based on the increased thermal energy, the connected AgNMsare resulted even at higher DAs and evolve along with the gradually increased DAs. The evolution of optical properties such as average reflectivity, plasmonic absorption band and the reflectance maxima (peaks) very sensitively respond to the evolution of size, shape and spacing of Ag nanostructures and discussed based on the surface plasmon, reflection and scattering. Specifically, the dome-shaped configuration exhibits strong absorption in the NIR region and weak absorption in visible region while the elongatedNMsshow the enhanced absorption in visible region. Furthermore, the Raman spectra (A1g vibrational mode) of the Ag nanostructures demonstrate the strong correlation with the evolution of size, density and surface coverage of the nanostructures.

Original languageEnglish
Article number125006
JournalMaterials Research Express
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2016


  • Ag nanoparticles
  • Ag nanostructures
  • C-plane sapphire
  • Morphological evolution
  • Optical properties


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