Falling Pseudo d-Ideals and d-Subalgebras in Pseudo d-Algebras

Young Bae Jun, Sun Shin Ahn, Kyoung Ja Lee

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Based on the theory of a falling shadow which was first formulated by Wang [15], a theoretical approach of the pseudo ideal structure in pseudo d-algebras is established. Several properties are investigated, and relations among a falling pseudo d-subalgebra, a falling pseudo BCK-ideal and a falling pseudo d-ideal are discussed. A characterization of a falling pseudo d-ideal is provided. Conditions for a falling shadow to be a falling pseudo BCK-ideal, and for a falling pseudo BCK-ideal to be a falling pseudo d-ideal are considered.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6125-6135
Number of pages11
JournalApplied Mathematical Sciences
Issue number121-124
StatePublished - 2012


  • (Falling) pseudo BCK-ideal
  • (Falling) pseudo d-ideal
  • (Falling) pseudo d-subalgebra
  • Pseudo d-algebra

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