Ferromagnetism in single crystal and nanocomposite Sr(Ti,Fe)O3 epitaxial films

Hyun Suk Kim, Lei Bi, Dong Hun Kim, Dae Jin Yang, Yoon Jeong Choi, Jung Woo Lee, Jeung Ku Kang, Yun Chang Park, Gerald F. Dionne, Caroline A. Ross

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19 Scopus citations


The ferromagnetic properties and electrical leakage current of single-phase SrTi1-xFexO3 (STF) perovskite films are compared for two different samples: a single-crystal film with a (100) orientation, and a 'doubly oriented' nanocomposite film consisting of (110)-oriented nanopillars embedded homoepitaxially in a (100)-oriented matrix. The STF films contain mixed valence Fe ions, with a lower average valence state present in the single crystal film. The films are under an in-plane compressive strain, and exhibit an out-of-plane magnetic easy axis due to magnetoelastic effects. The nanopillars in the double-epitaxial STF films act as single ferromagnetic domains, whereas the single-crystal films show a maze-like domain structure. Composition fluctuations seen in single-crystal films are suppressed in the double-epitaxial structure, which has a lower electrical leakage current. First-principles modeling supports a tendency for Fe ions to occupy adjacent sites. The correlations between the valence state and distribution of the Fe ions, the microstructure, and the magnetic and electrical properties provide a general method of tailoring the properties of perovskite films, which have immense technological value in a range of multiferroic, ferromagnetic, optical, spintronic and hybrid devices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10364-10369
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Materials Chemistry
Issue number28
StatePublished - 28 Jul 2011


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