Formation of MWCNT/LiCo2O4 nanoplates and their application for hybrid supercapacitor

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7 Scopus citations


In this work, LiCo2O4 nanoplates are prepared by simplest and most adoptable co-precipitation method. The prepared nanomaterial is figured out by several characteristic techniques. Thereafter, LiCo2O4 nanoplates are used for supercapacitor and specific capacitance of 951 F g−1 is observed at 1 A g−1. Further, capacitive performance of LiCo2O4 nanoplates is enhanced by adding up the appropriate amount of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and high specific capacitance of 1373 F g−1 is observed at 1 A g−1. Owing to the good specific capacitance of MWCNT/LiCo2O4, hybrid supercapacitor is designed where MWCNT/LiCo2O4 and activated carbon (AC) are utilized as positive (+ve) and negative (-ve) electrodes, correspondingly. Furthermore, the electrochemical performance of MWCNT/LiCo2O4//AC is investigated. The high energy density of 54.84 W h kg−1 at 775 W kg−1 is received from MWCNT/LiCo2O4//AC hybrid supercapacitor. Additionally, two red color light emitted diodes (LEDs), toy motor fan and kitchen timer are functionalized by two MWCNT/LiCo2O4//AC hybrid supercapacitors connected in series.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10676-10687
Number of pages12
JournalCeramics International
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2024


  • Energy density and power density
  • Hybrid supercapacitor
  • LiCoO


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