Grain size dependent magneto-dielectric studies on Lu3Fe 5O12

K. Ashok Kumar, P. Manimuthu, V. S. Ezhilarasi, C. Venkateswaran

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2 Scopus citations


Polycrystalline Lu3Fe5O12 ceramics (LFO) with garnet structure were prepared by solid-state reaction method and a part of the sample was ball milled for 15 h (LFO15h) using a high energy ball mill to study the grain size effect. The cubic garnet phase was confirmed for both LFO and LFO15h samples by X-ray diffraction analysis. The magnetic behavior was studied using a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer and it shows a clear hysteresis loop with ferrimagnetic ordering at room temperature for both LFO and LFO15h samples. X-ray photoelectron spectra reveal the presence of single valence state of Fe ions (Fe3+) in the unmilled sample and mixed valence state of Fe ions (i.e., Fe2+ and Fe3+) in the 15 h ball milled sample. Magneto-dielectric (MD) studies that have been carried out using an indigenous magneto-impedance setup show large MD coupling at room temperature for the LFO15 h in comparison to the LFO sample, making it a candidate explorable for applications in magneto dielectric devices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)333-335
Number of pages3
JournalPhysica B: Condensed Matter
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2014


  • Garnet
  • Magneto-dielectric effect
  • Multiferroics


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