Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and biopolymer nanocomposites: A comparative study on physico-chemical, antimicrobial and anticancer activity

Ramasubba Reddy Palem, Shimoga D. Ganesh, Zuzana Kronekova, Monika Sláviková, Nabanita Saha, Petr Saha

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56 Scopus citations


The current report was intended towards comparative study of green-synthesized biogenic Rhubarb silver nanoparticles (RS-AgNPs) and chitosan crosslinked silver nanocomposites (CSHD-AgNCs). The physico-chemical characterization was done by UV-visible, FTIR, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), EDX, TGA, XRD and zeta potential (ζ). The analysis and spectroscopic characterization was done by SEM and TEM and their results reveal that the nanoparticles are spherical in shape, with average size ranges from 5 to 50 nm, and was gathered by face centered cubic (FCC) structure throughout the polymer matrix and stable without any protecting or capping reagents over 450 days. The antimicrobial property of RS-AgNPs and CSHD-AgNCs (ζ = +29.6 and +32.8 mV) was evaluated against E. coli and S. aureus and showed an effective inhibitory property. The RS-AgNPs and CSHD-AgNCs were assessed for their anticancer activity against HeLa cell line by MTT method, and it reveals a dose-response activity, time and cell line-dependent cytotoxicity. Based on the results obtained, the RS-AgNPs exhibited higher toxicity over CSHD-AgNCs after 24 h incubation of HeLa cells with different concentrations and is negligible for the aqueous Rhubarb extract. It was concluded that the changes in anticancer activity towards HeLa cells due to biological activity of silver nanoparticles depend on their method of biosynthesis and their physico-chemical nature.

Original languageEnglish
Article number55
JournalBulletin of Materials Science
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2018


  • Anticancer activity
  • Antimicrobial activity
  • Biogenic silver nanoparticles
  • Biopolymer nanocomposites
  • Nanoparticles stability


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