H5+ Converter: A Bidirectional AC-DC Converter with DC-Fault-Blocking and Self-Pre-Charge Capabilities

Ye Wang, Yitong Li, Adria Junyent-Ferre, Minsung Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


A pulsewidth-modulation bidirectional ac-dc converter (i.e., active rectifier) with dc-fault-blocking and self-pre-charge capabilities is proposed in this paper for low voltage dc (LVdc) applications. The proposed converter, which is named as 'H5 + converter,' consists of an H4 bridge, a bidirectional switch, and a transient-voltage-surge (TVS) diode. The bidirectional switch and the TVS diode enable the dc fault blocking and dc bus self-pre-charge, while preserving the low common-mode voltage noise and low leakage current of the converter. Additionally, the proposed H5+ converter has advanced features under a dc-side short-circuit fault, such as fault diagnosis and fault recovery. Operation principles of the proposed converter are presented and analyzed. A down-scaled prototype is built. Experiment results are shown and analyzed, including steady-state waveforms, common-mode performance, start-up dynamics, as well as dc fault blocking, fault diagnosis, and fault recovery. Moreover, the proposed converter is compared with other two dc-fault-blocking converters for LVdc applications, in terms of converter capabilities, required devices, and power switch losses.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8645677
Pages (from-to)10619-10634
Number of pages16
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2019


  • AC-DC power conversion
  • power distribution faults
  • protection
  • pulsewidth modulated power converters


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