Hierarchical structured nano-polyhedrons of CeO2@ZIF-8 composite for high performance supercapacitor applications

Iqra Rabani, K. Karuppasamy, Dhanasekaran Vikraman, Zia ul haq, Hyun Seok Kim, Young Soo Seo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

62 Scopus citations


A well-organized composites based on crustal abundance rare earth metal were developed as the potential electrode for high-performance supercapacitors. The new category of hierarchical nano-polyhedrons of cerium (Ce) doped ZIF-8 composite electrodes were prepared through wet-chemical strategy by varying the concentrations of Ce precursors and determined for their plausible applications in supercapacitors. The XRD and SEM results revealed the structural stability and morphological activity of the prepared composites and then investigated overall energy storage performance. The synthesized composite electrode of Ce-MOF-0.5 using 0.5 mM Ce source with ZIF-8 framework delivered the maximum capacitance of 424.2 F.g−1 by the three-electrode measurement. The optimized Ce-MOF-0.5 electrode incorporated symmetric supercapacitor cell offered an excellent capacitive behavior with the capacitance 132 F.g−1 @ 1 A.g−1, and the device retains the 90% of capacitance upon 5000 cycles during charging-discharging cycles. Further, asymmetric supercapacitor device performance has been assessed and the device delivers high capacitance (89 F.g−1 @ 1 A.g−1), higher energy density (31.3 W.h.kg−1 @ 800 W.kg−1) and indicating higher electrochemical performance of the Ce-MOF-0.5//AC device.

Original languageEnglish
Article number160074
JournalJournal of Alloys and Compounds
StatePublished - 15 Sep 2021


  • CeO
  • Energy storage
  • Symmetric supercapacitor
  • ZIF-8


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