Highly efficient low-voltage cathodoluminescence of semiconductive nanoporous ZnMnO green phosphor films

Sejoon Lee, Youngmin Lee, Deuk Young Kim, Gennady N. Panin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


The low voltage-operational thin-film type of the high-quality nanoporous ZnMnO (Mn: ∼18 at.%) green phosphor was fabricated by grain boundary engineering via the thermal nucleation of the well-crystallized columnar ZnMnO thin film. Vertically-aligned nanopores were observed to be formed throughout the whole area of the ZnMnO phosphor film; and the impact excitation of Mn 2+ centers and the defect-mediated optical transition in nanoporous ZnMnO significantly enhanced green light emission in the nanoporous cavity. The results suggest nanoporous ZnMnO to hold promise for the next-generation color-field panels as a new type of the thin-film phosphor. The material characteristics, including the structural, electrical, and optical properties, are meticulously examined, and the formation mechanism of nanoporous ZnMnO and the origin of its low-voltage strong-green-cathodoluminescence are described.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)234-240
Number of pages7
JournalApplied Surface Science
StatePublished - 15 Mar 2019


  • Functional oxide
  • Green phosphor
  • Low-voltage cathodoluminescence
  • Nanoporous ZnMnO


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