Hydrogen permeation properties of Pd-coated V89.8Cr 10Y0.2 alloy membrane using WGS reaction gases

Sung Il Jeon, Jung Hoon Park

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14 Scopus citations


The influence of co-existing gases on the hydrogen permeation was studied through a Pd-coated V89.8Cr10Y0.2 alloy membrane. Preliminary hydrogen permeation experiments have been confirmed that hydrogen flux was 6.26 ml/min/cm2 for a Pd-coated V 89.8Cr10Y0.2 alloy membrane (thick: 0.5 mm) using pure hydrogen as feed gas. Also, the hydrogen permeation flux decreased with decrease of hydrogen partial pressure at constant pressure when H 2/CO2 and H2/CO2/H2S mixture applied as feed gas respectively and permeation fluxes were satisfied with Sievert's law in different feed conditions. It was found from XRD and SEM results after permeation test that the Pd-coated V89.8Cr 10Y0.2 alloy membrane had good stability and durability for various mixture feeding conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6085-6091
Number of pages7
JournalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Issue number14
StatePublished - 10 May 2013


  • HS
  • Hydrogen separation
  • Long-term test
  • V-Cr-Y
  • Vanadium
  • WGS


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