Hydrothermally prepared nano bricks of potassium sodium niobate for enhancing thermal and electrical properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride)

Sagar Mane, Aviraj Teli, Virendrakumar Deonikar, Deepak Patil, Jae Cheol Shin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


This study presents the hydrothermal fabrication of K0.5Na0.5NbO3 nano bricks at a very lower temperature and its emphasis on the various properties of the polymer matrix. Even a smaller amount of such a nanostructured ceramic phase leaves a great influence on the various properties of the polymer matrix. Interestingly just a 10 % loading of KNN (potassium sodium niobate) nano bricks in a polymer matrix alters the remanant polarization to 6.10 μC cm−2 from 0.04 μC cm−2 for PVDF Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and 7.3 μC cm−2 at 20 % loading. The estimated dielectric at the frequency of 1 kHz shows more than 5 and 6 times increase at 10 % (εr = 13) and 20 % (εr = 15.4) of ceramic filler which is originally 2.5 for the pure PVDF matrix.

Original languageEnglish
Article number134040
JournalMaterials Letters
StatePublished - 1 May 2023


  • Dielectric properties
  • Hydrothermal preparation
  • KNN nano bricks
  • Polymer-ceramic composite


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