Improvement of electrical performance by neutron irradiation treatment on IGZO thin film transistors

Sera Kwon, Jongin Hong, Byung Hyuk Jun, Kwun Bum Chung

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


The effects of the neutron irradiation treatment on indium-gallium-zinc oxide (IGZO) are investigated as a function of the neutron irradiation time. With an increase in neutron irradiation time, the oxygen vacancies associated the oxygen deficient states increase, and both shallow and deep band edge states below the conduction band also increase. Moreover, the conduction band offset continuously decreases because of the increase in the oxygen vacancies with increasing the neutron irradiation time. In IGZO TFTs with the neutron irradiation time for 10 s, superior device performance demonstrates such as the lower threshold voltage, higher field effect mobility, smaller sub-threshold gate swing, larger on-off current ratio, and improved bias stability, comparing those of other IGZO TFTs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number147
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Feb 2020


  • Electrical performance
  • Electronic structure
  • IGZO
  • Neutron irradiation
  • Thin-film transistor


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