In vitro selection of a 5'-purine nucleotide transferase ribozyme.

Taek Jin Kang, Hiroaki Suga

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4 Scopus citations


Here we report a ribozyme that catalyzes the 5'-nucleotidyl transfer reaction forming the 2'-5' phosphodiester bond. This ribozyme was retrieved as a sole sequence in the pool enriched for the 5'-triphosphate-dependent activities in incorporating ATP-gammaS. The originally selected ribozyme consisting of 109-nucleotide was miniaturized to 45-nucleotide M4 ribozyme via mutation studies, and based on this mini-ribozyme a trans-acting system was constructed. Interestingly, M4 ribozyme promiscuously accepts a variety of purine nucleotides. This remarkable ability of M4 ribozyme would lead us to the development of a new tool for the 5'-modification of RNAs with unique chemical groups.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)379-380
Number of pages2
JournalNucleic acids symposium series (2004)
Issue number51
StatePublished - 2007


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