Integrated photo-rechargeable supercapacitors formed via electrode sharing

Joobee Shin, Van Huong Tran, Dinh Cung Tien Nguyen, Sung Kon Kim, Soo Hyoung Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


Herein, we report integrated photo-rechargeable supercapacitors (IPSs) composed of the inverted organic solar cell (iOSC) and solid-state supercapacitor (SC), enabling a high-performance self-power pack. The iOSC serves as a self-power source while the SC functions as energy storage, and both share an indium-tin-oxide (ITO) electrode that affords improved charge propagation across the devices. Combining the energy harvesting and storage devices in this way significantly alleviates the limitations of each device. The power fluctuation of the iOSC can be reimbursed by the SC, thus allowing for a stable energy output. Moreover, the SC is frequently charged by the iOSC during the daytime, thereby greatly reducing the charging time and avoiding a complete discharge as well. When the SC of the IPS is charged by the iOSC under AM 1.5 G of illumination, the overall energy conversion-storage efficiency is ca. 2.27%. Our work provides an effective strategy for further study to fabricate a small, lightweight, portable/wearable self-power pack by integrating energy harvesting and energy storage devices into a single structure.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106050
JournalOrganic Electronics
StatePublished - Feb 2021


  • Electrode sharing
  • Photo-rechargeable supercapacitor
  • Self-charging energy device
  • Solar cell
  • Supercapacitor


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