Investigating the mediating role of social networking service usage on the big five personality traits and on the job satisfaction of Korean workers

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41 Scopus citations


This study examines how the Big Five personality traits and the use of social networking services (SNSs) promote job satisfaction among Korean workers. The study sample is drawn from the Korean Education & Employment Panel (KEEP) for 2011, which gathers comprehensive data on Koreans' individual demographics, including information regarding their education, families, and work and personal lives. Structural equation modeling is employed to examine the mediation model between Big-Five personality and job satisfaction of workers. From a sample of 1,646 workers employed in Korean workplaces, the authors found that the Big Five personality traits were significantly related to SNS usage and job satisfaction. SNS usage was found to be a factor in determining job satisfaction, and SNS usage partially mediated the relationship between personality (extroversion and neuroticism) and job satisfaction. To improve employees' work-related attitudes, organizations must recognize the growing influence of SNS usage on those workplace attitudes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)110-123
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Organizational and End User Computing
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2019


  • Big five personality
  • Job satisfaction
  • Mediation model
  • Social networking service (SNS) usage
  • Workplace attitudes


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