Is America back to multilateralism? A prospect of president Biden’s China trade policy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The 2020 US Presidential election is now over. After listening to the essence of Mr. Biden’s inauguration speech, “America is Back!, " people around the world are cautiously expecting the revival of multilateralism. This research is to tackle a fundamental question of: “Is America Back to Multilateralism?, " by focusing on the US’s China trade policy under the Biden presidency. This essay consists of five parts including Introduction and Conclusion. Part two will review the development of postwar multilateralism which constructed the rulebased trade governance. Part three will analyze the challenge and crisis of contemporary multilateralism under former President Trump and the possibility of its resurrection under Biden administration. The author will review the origin and evolution of the US-China trade war. Part four will look into the possibility of reconstructing multilateral world for sustainable development. Part five will conclude the essay predicting the US’s China trade policy under the Biden administration.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-134
Number of pages22
JournalChina and WTO Review
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2021


  • America is back
  • Appellate body
  • Biden
  • Multilateralism
  • US’s China trade policy
  • Unity
  • WTO reform


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